The Legal Problems of Creditor s Investigating the Legal Liability of the Stockholder Who Offering Subscribed Capital; The Research on Legislative Defects of Shareholder Power of One-man Company in China 债权人追究股东出资责任的法律问题我国一人公司股东权的立法缺失探析
A comparative study on the civil liability of the shareholder's share fault 股东出资瑕疵民事责任的比较研究
From the point of view of company law, the tort liability system of controlling shareholder, director, manager is very important in constructing corporate governance of our country. 从公司法的角度看,追究大股东、董事、经理等公司控制人的侵权责任是我国当前完善公司治理机制的核心内容之一。
The Legal Liability of Controlling Shareholder Abusing Controlling Power 论控制股东滥用控制权的法律责任
Director's civil liability is a kind of legal consequence which is produced by his breach of statutory obligation and regulation of board of directors and shareholder's meeting in job-related performance, and it is mainly a kind of property liability. 董事民事责任是董事在职务行为中因违反法定义务及公司章程、股东大会和董事会决议而承担的法律后果,主要是一种财产责任。
Shareholder of company shall assume limited liability for the debts of company; it is also the most fundamental characteristic of this institution. The prerequisite of limited liability assumed by shareholder of Ltd. 有限责任公司制度以有限责任为其制度设计的基点之一,即以股东对公司债务承担有限责任为原则是其根本特点之一。
An Approach to the Relationship between Corporate Governance and the Tort Liability of Controlling Shareholder, Director, Manager 论公司治理与公司控制人侵权责任的追究
The first issue is whether the strict liability can be applied to a no-crime-intention unit crime case according to the rule of balance, and how to "pierce the corporate veil" after the modification of juridical party and run the liability of shareholder directors. 第一个问题是用均衡理论解析无犯意单位犯罪可否用严格责任来定罪,并提出法人变更后应撕开法人面纱追究股东董事的责任。
Does diversification improve corporation liability and financial solvency and increase the wealth of shareholder? 多角化经营是否提高了企业的负债水平和偿债能力,增加了股东的财富和价值?
Central to the doctrine of limited liability is that the liability of a company is separated from that of the shareholders who own it. As an investor, the shareholder shall not be liable for the obligation beyond the amount of his/ her investment in the corporation. 公司有限责任制度的核心是公司责任与公司成员责任的分离,股东作为投资者无须对公司的债务承担除了其投资之外的进一步的责任。
Research on the Legal Liability of the Shareholder with Defect in Capital Contribution and the Right Relief for the Shareholder Without Defect in Capital Contribution 出资瑕疵股东的法律责任及出资无瑕疵股东权利救济之研究
About investigation of liability of directors, there are direct litigation, shareholder derivative litigation, the third party direct litigation. 对董事侵权责任的追究主要是诉讼途径追究,诉讼方式有直接诉讼、股东派生诉讼、第三人直接诉讼三种。
For limited liability company, the result of harmonious cooperation among the equity transfer is not free, the system value of the dissenting shareholder equity repurchase claims is even more important. 对于有限责任公司而言,由于人合性导致的股权转让不自由,异议股东股权回购请求权的制度价值显得更为重要。
Due to lack of intact system and mature related theory, it is difficult to investigate and affix legal liability of the withdrawing shareholder. 囿于相关制度的不完善及相关理论的不成熟,对股东抽逃出资的责任追究始终处于制度缺乏理论支撑、实践缺乏立法支持的困境。
There are two basic legal characteristics: First, the uniqueness of the number of the shareholder; second, the limited liability of the shareholder. 其基本法律特征有二:一是股东人数的唯一性,二是股东责任的有限性。
This article mainly studies the jurisprudence foundation of the limited liability of shareholder. 本文主要围绕股东有限责任制度的法理基础进行探讨。
As we know, Limited liability company is funded the establishment of the shareholder, the shareholder liable to the company to the subscribed amount of capital, all the assets of the company liable for the debts of their business organization. 有限责任公司是以股东共同出资组建,股东以认缴出资额的方式对公司承担责任,公司以全部资产对自己的债务承担责任的企业组织。
The existence of the limited liability of shareholder does more good than harm. In history it has played an enormous, irreplaceable role and in the future for a very long historical period it will still exist and play a role in. 股东有限责任制度的存在是利大于弊的,在历史上它曾发挥过巨大的、不可替代的作用,在未来很长一段历史时期内它仍将存在并发挥作用。
The Limited liability company is set up by the investment of shareholders, while the shareholder qualification indicates whether a person is the company shareholder. 有限责任公司由股东出资设立,股东资格则是表明一个人是否为公司股东。
At present, most countries in the world has introduced one-man company into their Company Law. Along with the social development and economic progress, one-man company is a combination of the limited liability of a company and the investment flexibility of one shareholder. 目前在世界上大多数国家公司法中均存在一人公司,它是随着社会发展和经济进步,与公司有限责任和一人股东的投资的灵活性相结合的产物。
Because limited liability company has characters based on capital and characters based on shareholders, under the cover of the majority principle, the controlling shareholder abuse his control power will be very easy, and it is really hard for the other affected shareholders to get protect. 由于有限公司具有人合性和封闭性的特征,公司的控股股东在资本多数决的掩护下,其滥用控制权变得非常容易,而且受侵害的股东也很难获得法律的救济。
Shareholders qualification confirmation mainly occurred in the limited liability company. Shareholders qualification is the preliminary issues of a series of disputes in cases such as shareholder voting rights, the right to know, the claim of profits distribution. 公司股东资格的认定主要发生在有限责任公司,股东资格认定是诸如股东表决权、知情权、利润分配请求权等一系列纠纷案件的先决问题。
The investor chooses the Limited Liability Corporation for the purpose of the dividend distributing, and for the advantage of the Limited Liability Corporation, the shareholder can obtain the dividend distributing by some means. 投资者选择有限责任公司,其根本追求在于利润分配,有限责任公司在形态上的优势,股东可以通过多种方式实现对公司利润的分配。
It suggests that shareholders in the limited liability company sign the written agreement for the specific items to keep away the abuse of control rights of control shareholder in advance. 建议有限责任公司股东签订书面协议,就特定事项达成一致,形成事前防范控制股东滥用控制权的机制。